Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat please put a penny in the old man’s hat, now I don't know about pennies but I've been giving out pound coins left right and centre to the brass band players of Sadies choosing because sharing is caring and that girl loves a carol and trombone combination. With the festive season well and truly here I wanted to pen a post about all of the things I'm looking forward to, besides the obvious, this Christmas so I could try and savour the moment before the season runs away with itself and passes by (like it usually does) in the blink of an eye.

Going to Disney on Ice: Pop concerts aside one of the most vivid memories as a child is going to see a Disney on Ice show with my glow in the dark Mickey Mouse light in hand, in fact I’m pretty sure the head spun around but that’s beside the point. The show can only be described as magical so I feel incredibly lucky to be going to see Frozen tonight with the family as a guest of Sheffield arena. I can’t wait to see Sadies face and see what she thinks of it all and to be honest I don’t know who will be more excited as I’ve already been doing my vocal warm ups to do you wanna build a snowman, sorry Craig. I promise to report back with all the family feels so watch this space.

Watching Elf: It’s a bit of a tradition in the Wild household to watch our favourite Christmas film usually while I wrap Christmas gifts and even though I know exactly how it all goes down I'm guaranteed to cry when Jovie starts to sing Santa Clause is coming to town on the streets of New York as everyone joins in. Craig and I usually try and counterbalance our Elf obsession by watching a Christmas film we've never seen before too, last year it was The Grinch (I know, I'm late to the party) and the year before Polar Express. I'd love to know your Christmas movie recommendations? Christmas films aside I'm also pretty giddy for Channel 4s showing of We're Going On A Bear Hunt, anyone else?

Baking Gingerbread: Aside from my beloved mince pies the next sweet treat that screams Christmas to me is gingerbread. From the humble gingerbread man to the more decadent gingerbread house there's nothing quite like it and after a successful baking afternoon with Sadie a couple of weeks back I'm tempted to give making our own gingerbready goodness a go especially as Sadie loves to watch the Kitchen Aid whir into life. That said Sadie did try and eat all the cookie dough on our last bake so fingers crossed she doesn't try to eat raw gingerbread, I can't imagine it tasting anywhere near as good.

My first Christmas as a Wild: It's crazy to think a name change could make such a life difference but it really does - it's a tricky one to explain but its almost like Craig, Sadie and I have been knitted together forever and I for one am more than ok with that. I can't wait to enjoy some serious down time as a family and more importantly with Craig as it feels like forever since we spent more than two days in a row together. With the house almost complete, our new curtains are being fitted tomorrow (I'm almost as excited as seeing Frozen) I'm hoping we can sit down together and choose our favourite wedding photos to be printed for our gallery wall whilst eating all the cheese, crackers and pickles in the process - if you ever wanted an insight into my evenings over the Christmas break there you have it ladies and gentlemen. 

What are you looking forward to this Christmas?